best-practice Impact Measurement and Management

Closing date
31 Dec 2026


Collaborate Type
Offer assistance
John Treadgold Communications
Collaboration Summary/Title
A toolkit for best-practice Impact Measurement and Management
Collaborate Delivery
Collaborate Location
Metropolitan, Regional, ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
Closing date
31 Dec 2026

Best-practice Impact Measurement and Management tooklit

Impact Investing has reached an inflection point

The consolidation and harmonisation of impact measurement frameworks represents an inflection point for the impact investing sector.

An ‘Impact Stack’ has emerged – a toolkit of frameworks that can be used as a best-practice model for impact measurement and management (IMM), in service of an overall impact strategy.

This report is intended as a guide to understand the current state of Impact Measurement and Management.

It seeks to establish the key frameworks being used in the field, but more importantly, to explain the specific use-cases for each, and how they interact and overlap to form a complete IMM system.

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