
Closing date
31 Dec 2024


Collaborate Type
Offer assistance
Council of Social Enterprise Intermediaries
Collaboration Summary/Title
Social Enterprise Staging Definitions
Collaborate Delivery
Collaborate Location
Metropolitan, Regional, ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
Closing date
31 Dec 2024

Social Enterprise Staging Definitions

Following a collaboration between various social enterprise service providers, the Council of Social Enterprise Intermediaries have produced a definitive staging of social enterprise growth phases.

The aim is to reduce confusion in labels and terms when it comes to supporting and funding social enterprises, and a uniform understanding will go a long way towards improved policy advocacy with governments at all levels.

The Council of Australian Social Enterprise Intermediaries (CASEI) was established after the Social Enterprise World Forum 2022. It is a collaboration between organisations across Australia who are focused on the common goal of supporting social enterprises in their growth and development journey through increased capacity - ranging from capability building to investment readiness support and capital.

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