Our Purpose / Vision

Our vision

Our vision is to create lasting social impact by simultaneously growing the for-purpose sector, whilst building a community willing to collectively tackle social and environmental problems.

Our mission/purpose

  • Our purpose is to create lasting positive social impact by developing a directory, community, marketplace and ecosystem where conscious consumers can find, engage with, and support for-purpose organisations aligned with their values. 
  • To grow and build capacity in the for purpose sector
  • To build a socially conscious community willing to collectively tackle wicked problems
  • To educate for purpose organisations on measuring and tracking impact
  • To create opportunities in social impact

Our brand reflects our purpose. The dots in the C of our logo shows the conscious consumers and different sized for–purpose organisations coming together to form a community to meet on the 1 platform, forming the G, where together they can collectively do the greatest good.

Our values

Greatest Good values positive social and environmental impacts, both as a sustainable purpose-led organisation, and with the conscious consumers, for-purpose organisations and service providers using the Greatest Good ecosystem. We aim to be purposeful, innovative and impactful. We believe that we can all do our greatest good by:

  • creating positive social and environmental impacts and change through our day–to–day decisions, behaviours and actions
  • considering the impact that our buying power can create
  • living our lives more closely aligned to our values
  • being community minded

Our journey

At the end of 2017, our founder asked herself two simple questions:

  • How can I make a difference?

  • Where can I do the greatest good?

Drawing on her 30+ years experience providing a range of volunteer and pro-bono services for various charities, non-profits and social enterprises, she got curious. Being a solutions-focused systems thinker, she identified many opportunities to make the for-purpose sector operate at a more efficient, effective and positively deviant level. Immersing herself in more research, she determined that:

  • people not only want to work for organisations aligned with their values, they also want to shop with, donate to, learn from, volunteer for, fund-raise for, collaborate with, invest in, and generally support these organisations

  • it is hard for the small to medium purpose-led organisations to be found, without spending a significant amount of time and money on marketing and profile-raising

  • a lot of donations go to the larger household name charities and there is a huge reliance on donations and grants to survive

  • there are many organisations tackling similar or identical social and environmental issues, often unaware of others doing the same things

  • a state-based social enterprise model has arisen due to funding from state governments, with the procurement model helping the larger business-to-business (B2B) and business to government (B2G) ones get bigger, but not necessarily having the same impact on business-to-consumer (B2C) social enterprise models

  • there are many opportunities to improve and grow the for-purpose sector, while also building a socially conscious community willing to collectively tackle the causes of social and environmental issues, not just deal with the outcomes

and so began the journey of doing the greatest good........

Want to know more? Check out this interview Jenni did with Moral Fairground.