A final report from the parliamentary inquiry into 'Procurement practices of government agencies in New South Wales and its impact on the social development of the people of New South Wales' has just been published.
In October, theThe Social Enterprise Council for NSW and ACT (SECNA) reported that they have been following this inquiry closely, after making a submission on behalf of SECNA members in February and presenting to the committee at NSW Parliament House in June.
We welcome the clear support for social enterprises, social procurement, greater transparency and collaborative tendering in the report - particularly:
Finding 8: That the current procurement policies and legislation provide some direction to drive social, economic and environmental sustainability outcomes but require strengthening.
Finding 9: That there is minimum post-award transparency, compliance and data to ensure that social enterprises named in the tender stage are engaged throughout the contract.
Recommendation 11: That the NSW Government amend the Public Works and Procurement Act 1912 (NSW), or consider other appropriate mechanisms, to include specific social procurement and environmental sustainability objectives for the NSW Procurement Board, or as determined following a mapping of current, legal regulatory and policy objectives.
Recommendation 12: That the NSW Government strengthen the Procurement Policy Framework and associated policies to achieve social procurement outcomes, including by:
• setting specific targets for the procurement of social enterprises
• considering how certification schemes could be adopted to ensure the procurement of businesses that achieve social impact
• collaborating and consulting across relevant government agencies
Recommendation 13: That the NSW Government conduct post-award compliance to ensure that social enterprises named in the tendering stage are appropriately engaged throughout the contract not simply listed pre-tender.
Recommendation 17: That the NSW Government explore options for collaborative tendering within whole of government and agency-specific procurement arrangements, to achieve social procurement objectives, support social enterprises and small businesses, and encourage innovation.
You can download the full report using the link below.