The Australian Gynaecological Foundation is the only group in this country that focusses on creating awareness and increased funding for research into better diagnoses, treatments and even a cure for all eight gynae cancers.
We’ve seen cervical cancer now almost eradicated worldwide because Australian research found a vaccine. Generally, people know about the more high-profile ovarian cancer. Almost invisible are the equally deadly cancers of the uterus, vagina, fallopian tubes, vulva even the placenta.
We provide seed funding for the most brilliant young researchers in this field. These people have ideas we call “blue sky” research. We believe their unrestrained imaginative ideas are at the forefront to find a “breakthrough” to provide women stricken by these cancers long term survival even a cure. These young men and women do not yet have the history to meet the complicated protocol to win NH&MRC grants but already, we have proven that with start-up funding they go on to become established “champions” in the field.
Our support for brilliant young minds will save women and restore them happily to living normal lives with their loving families.
In Australia, we have some of the world’s best clinical and applied research minds, but only with better financial support from organisations, philanthropists, corporate sponsors and individuals, can those researchers realise their full potential
Funding is generated from corporate and public donations. Grants are used to fund research aimed at improving the prevention, long-term survival and quality of life for patients diagnosed with a gynae cancer. Processes for allocation of research grants are competitive, peer-reviewed, transparent, coordinated and not conflicted. Results of research are published nationally and internationally.
The Foundation has a less than 12% overhead.
You can take a key role in the fight against women’s cancers by becoming one of our regular givers, providing a steady and predictable source of funding for women’s cancer research. Regular gifts can be any amount that fits with your budget.
AGCF receives no government funding and all its work relies on donations like yours.